Fairy Dust Milk Bath Sizzle
Fairy Dust Milk Bath Sizzle
Fairy Dust Milk Bath Sizzle
Fairy Dust Milk Bath Sizzle
Fairy Dust Milk Bath Sizzle

Fairy Dust Milk Bath Sizzle

Regular price £0.00 £8.00 Sale

Create an at-home spa experience and soak the stress of the day away with our fun and skin loving Handcrafted Bath Sizzle! The most decadent treat for a pampering "Me Time" it will transport you out of this world while creating perfect bubbles

How To: Add to your bath for a burst of fragrance, color and fun. Fill your tub about halfway, drop 2 scoops of mixture under the running water to activate the fizzing action. Then swish fingers through the water until bath sizzle is completely dissolved. After that is done get in and enjoy a heavenly soak!.

Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Corn Starch, Epsom Salt, Coconut Oil, SweetAlmond Oil, Witch Hazel, Polysorbate 80, Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate, Buttermilk, Fragrance, Mica (Titanium Dioxide)

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